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Monday 12 January 2015

14 Home Remedies to Remove Pimples

Pimples mar the beauty of your face and can give you sleepless nights. We all want a crystal clear skin without these pesky skin lesions and blemishes. Pimples are a real troublemaker, especially if you have an interview or concert coming up. Pimples can be really painful too. You keep thinking about your skin condition and fail to concentrate on other tasks.
Pimples need prompt medical treatment. Never pick or touch your pimples it can cause infection. First let us know more about pimples and then how to remove pimples overnight naturally.

What are Pimples?

Causes of Pimples or Acne:

Doctors advise to treat pimples immediately to prevent it from spreading. The untreated acne can leave scars on the skin that is very difficult to remove.There are many reasons that cause pimples, here are the causes:

1. Dead Skin Cells Build up:

The skin sheds a layer of dead skin cells. Few dead skin cells get stuck to the sebum causing blockage ofpore. These pores block cause pimples.

2. Teenage Pimples:

Pimples commonly occur during puberty, both young boys and girls face it. When the body undergoes physical changes and gets ready for reproduction, the sebaceous glands become overactive. 

3. Bacteria Growth:

The sebum gets accumulated behind the blocked pores. This sebum that builds up behind the blocked pores contains bacteria. A slow growing bacterium termed Propionibacterium acnes thrives naturally in the skin, when the conditions are suitable this bacterium spreads and cause painful pimples. This bacterium feeds on sebum and produces a substance that leads to immune response, this cause skin inflammation.

4. Sensitive to Testosterone:

A study conducted by the researchers at the Washington School of Medicine reveals that there are two strains of Propionibacterium acnes. Those with healthy skin never have pimples and pimples are not infectious either. People with skins prone to acne are usually sensitive to testosterone, the natural hormone present in both males and females. In the skins of such people the testosterone triggers over secretion of sebum that leads to blockage of pores. Sometimes dead skin cells get stuck to the sebum and makes matter worse.

5. Dairy Products and High Glycemic Foods Cause Pimples:

The report presented by New York University that was published in The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that eating high glycemic foods like bakery goods like cakes high on sugar content and sweet beverages cause pimples. Having too much dairy products are also not good for your skin though they are high on calcium. These pimples can be corrected by following the right diet.

6. Medicines Cause Acne:

Some epilepsy medicines, medicines that have androgens in them cause pimples.

7. Not Removing Makeup:

It is vital that you remove makeup before you hit bed. The oil based makeup is bound to cause pimples. Avoid applying heavy makeup on the skin and try to use water based cosmetics. Always stick to natural products since chemicals can cause acne breakout as well.

8. Stress:

Another main cause of pimples is stress. Your body functions get upset during stress and it triggers pimples.

9. Friction or Rubbing Skin:

When you rub your skin constantly or pick at pimples, it grows worse. Even pressure exerted by bags, helmets and tight collars or scarves can aggravate acne.

Types of Pimples:

Pimples are not only the red inflamed bumps that are visible on your skin. There are different types of pimples. Some of the pus filled pimples can be really painful and can persist for a long time. Knowing about the different types pimples will help you to treat them correctly.
1. WhiteheadsWhite spots that usually occur on oily skin.
2. Blackheads: This is caused when the material present inside the pores pushes out. The blackheads are not necessarily caused due to dirt, it can also happen due to bacteria and dead skin cells buildup.
3. Pustules or Nodules: Sometimes the tissues around the clogged pores get infected causing inflammation. This inflamed portion is filled with pus and it is hard. These are nothing but nodules or pustules.
4. Cysts: Deep pus filled pimples.
It is definitely easy to remove pimples by taking a few precautionary measures. There are many simple yet effective remedies which can help to get a flawless and healthy skin. Read on to discover these wonderful safe and natural remedies to flaunt a beautiful skin in no time.
How to Remove Pimples Overnight?
Here are a few effective home remedies to remove pimples overnight.

1. Calamine Lotion:

Cleansing must be done every day without fail before going to sleep or else your skin will not be able to breathe.
  • Clean up your entire face or just the affected area with the help of an astringent.
  • You need to apply calamine lotion over the affected part.
  • After having a sound and peaceful sleep, wash your face in the morning.
  • You will surely be happy and excited to see that your pimple has reduced from what it was the day before.

2. Honey:

Honey does a miraculous job in removing pimples.
  • To see its magical effect, you need to apply some honey over your pimples.
  • Allow it to dry on its own for nearly an hour.
  • Then rinse it off with normal water.
  • Say goodbye to zits with the magical effect of honey.
Honey being a natural anti-biotic, it kills the bacteria that cause pimples. It also has hydrating properties and keeps the skin healthy.

3. Cinnamon and Honey Mask:

If you are willing to diminish your acne within a single night you better go for this remedy.
  • First of all make a paste of cinnamon along with honey.
  • Then cleanse your face before applying the paste on the pimples.
  • Have a peaceful and pleasant sleep.
  • See the difference after washing your face next day in the morning.

4. Ice:

Instant relief from pimples can be received from ice.
  • First, take an ice cube and wrap it up in a soft and clean piece of cloth.
  • Now, apply it all over your pimple and leave for few minutes.
  • You can also take an aluminum foil and fold ice cubes in it. Make sure that the ice doesn’t fall out from the foil.
  • Now put the foil packed ice cubes in a Ziploc bag.
  • Check whether any air is trapped inside the zip lock pouch. Apply it directly on the pimples for faster relief and a soothing effect.

5. Toothpaste:

Toothpaste is another effective pimple removal treatment. Apply a small amount of toothpaste over the pimple and leave it overnight. Next morning you’ll see the difference yourself. Get ready to step out of your home without a trace of worry. Use white toothpaste, not a gel based one.

6. Basil Leaves:

Liquid extracted from basil leaves is another effective weapon for fighting pimples.
  • Take few basil leaves and dip them in warm water for around 20 minutes.
  • Before going to bed, cleanse your face and apply the extracted liquid with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Let it stay on the affected area for the entire night so that it can dry automatically.
  • Rinse it off in the morning and see the difference in your skin.

The pimples have diminished and the skin is clearer. this is considered to be the best way to remove pimples overnight.

7. Orange Peel and Juice:

According to Cosmetic Dermatologist Principles an1d Practice states that the acidity and vitamin C content in oranges makes it a perfect cure for acnes.
  • First wash your hands before touching your skin, since dirty hands can introduce bacteria to the skin.
  • Then wash your face with warm water as this helps to dilate the pores.
  • Gently rub the orange peel on the affected area.
  • You should use separate orange peels for each pimple, otherwise, there is a high chance of bacterial infection.
  • Now dip a cotton ball or swab in orange juice and apply it on the acne1.
  • Change the cotton ball while treating acne to prevent bacteria from spreading.
  • Now wash your face with cold water, this will constrict the pores and prevent from further clogging of pores.

8. Papaya:

Papaya helps to remove dead skin cells and extra layer of oil from the skin. It has an enzyme called Papain which reduces inflammation and prevents pus from forming.
  • Rinse your face with water and pat dry.
  • Then mash a papaya to a consistency so that it can be easily applied to the skin.
  • Apply and leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off.
  • If your skin gets dry after washing just apply a moisturizer to hydrate it.

9. Banana Peel:

Like bananas are good for skin, the peels are also effective in treating acne. The peel has lutein, which is a very powerful antioxidant that helps to reduce inflammation and allows healthy cell growth.
  • Peel the banana; now rub the peel on your face in a circular motion to get relief from the redness and discomfort caused by acne.
  • When you have covered your face entirely with the peel, keep it for 30 minutes and then wash it off.

10. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera gel can be used directly on the affected area to treat pimples. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and helps to reduce redness and skin irritation. Use enough aloe vera gel to mask the pimples while doing spot treatment.

11. Garlic:

Garlic has anti-bacterial properties that help to fight acne. However, never apply the garlic without diluting it first.
  • Extract garlic juice and mix it with water or mash 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • Let it soak in water for say 10 minutes. You can also substitute water with aloe vera gel.
  • Apply it on the affected area.
  • You can also have garlic to prevent pimple breakouts in the future.

12. Aspirin:

Unusual but effective! I have found this pretty useful pimple fix. It works fast and does a clean job of containing eruptions.
  • Crush an aspirin tablet and add a few drops of water to make a paste of it, mix well to form a paste and apply to the zit.
  • Let the paste dry. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory agent, and helps reduce the swelling due to accumulated pus.
  • Leave the paste overnight and wash off in the morning. The pimple is less discernible after its aspirin treatment.

13. Baking Soda:

Baking Soda, king of home remedies works (Surprise!) for pimples as well. This is a zit fix I recommend to everyone since it works well on sensitive skin as well, unlike other remedies that cause patchiness or dryness.
  • Add a few drops of lemon juice or water to baking soda, make a paste and apply to the pimple.
  • Wash off with warm water in about five minutes and follow up with a moisturizer.
  • Do not leave the paste on for more than a few minutes as it could cause skin dryness.

14. Lemon:

A few drops of lemon juice works applied on a pimple. Though it causes a little itching, it helps to reduce inflammation and swelling.
  • Ensure you apply only fresh lemon juice and not bottled products.
  • Dip a clean swab of cotton in the juice and apply on the zit before you go to bed.
  • Another remedy is to mix a teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a tablespoon of lemon juice, make a paste and apply on the pimple.
  • Leave the paste overnight and wash off in the morning with warm water. I would not recommend this remedy for people with sensitive skin though. It can cause dryness, irritation and redness.
These are some effective ways to remove pimples overnight that you can always try at home than using acne creams available in the markets. If the acne persists you must visit the doctor and get prescribed medicine. Treat acne promptly to get a flawless skin. Eat healthy and keep yourself hydrated to bid adieu to pimples and say hello to beautiful skin.
Don’t forget to share your views in the comments section below. Till then, keep it stylish!